Контрольная работа по теме "Переговоры, разрешение конфликтных ситуаций"

When children grow into their teens, they and their parents tend to

 become less happy with each other and quarrel more often. Then 

reasons for ____1_____ varyfrom the children’s poor progress at 

school up to their wrong choice of friends. Teenagers 

often complain that their parents _____2_____

 them from going out at weekends and dictate how they should 

behave. Teenagers often rebel. They want to demonstrate how 

grown up and _____3_____ they are, which is usually far from 

what they really feel. Psychologists think that it’s very difficult to 

_____4______ all the conflicts between parents and their teenage 

children. Children fight for their independence 

and ______5______, they may sometimes behave inappropriately. 

Teenagers are entering a new phase of their life and are often not

 able to cope with new emotions. Sometimes they want to be left alone so that they can process the 

new feelings and experience, and their _____6____ should be respected. Parents need to understand that their kids are still 

vulnerable when they are trying to cover their feelings with a false 

bravado. So, ____7_____ is not the best way to improve the

 situation. To avoid conflicts both sides have to be very 

_______8______ of each other. But if it happens, a conflict must be

 ______9______. Suppressed conflicts can affect _____10____ 


  • a) prevent b) criticizing c) confident d) tolerant e) privacy
  • f) liberty g) conflicts h) prohibit i) resolved j) relationships

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