«Моя будущая профессия инженер»

There are many professions in the world, but in my opinion men’s life should be related to technical specialties, my father and mother worked in design bureau in machine factory, cause that I understand what have to continue the family business.
At this moment the profession of engineer is once again becoming a prestigious and well-paid. Factories, Railways, workshops, small private firms need of people engineering professions. Wherever there is any equipment needed, engineers are able to maintain it at a high level, and the technique now in all areas of production, without it can not exist even the simplest industrial enterprise.
Today the profession of engineer is not very fashionable, but it’s not bad, that is only more appreciated by qualified professionals. A good engineer must constantly improve his skills not only through education but also by attending various events, foreign exhibitions, which improve the quality of knowledge. Industry of Russia, at the moment, unfortunately, lags behind other countries, most of the goods we buy from abroad, but could produce it themselves. Our country has huge potential, we can become first in all production sectors, so that in the future I want to work as an engineer and invent new machines and devices, thereby contributing to the development of our state.


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