Shopping in the USA   

Shopping in the USA has two very important tendencies that can be determined as : «Born to shop» and «Caveat Emptor » (the Latin expression that means «the customer runs risks of buying goods of inferior quality»). Stores are full of wares of various kinds and prices. If you are in funds shopping can be extremely interesting and bring you real satisfaction. In this case, you can find out that you are «born to shop».
But on the other hand, we can free the so called «Caveat Emptor». Purchasers have to be careful. The owners of the shops put different kinds of advertisements and offers like «sales» or «reduced prices» in order to decoy buyers and push the articles. Of course, such signs attract people's attention. But before buying something it is better to examine the label to be aware of validity of commodities. Very often fashionable things can be made of cheap materials.
In the USA the price for the same goods in different shops can be different. High prices do not always mean high quality. If you are going to buy expensive things you would better to look in at several stores. It will give you the opportunity to compare goods and make the best choice.
There are many shops where even licensed articles (such as clock, cameras, videos, electrical appliances, etc.) are sold at a discount and their value results much cheaper than at the departments stores. There are similar clothes shops.
Shopping malls are typical for America where a lot of specialized stores and a big department store are joined in one building. There is also a restaurant and some food shops. There can be a movie hall as well so the clients can spend the whole day at the shopping mall. Clients usually pay cash or by credit cards. Customers are better to keep the receipt to be able to exchange the thing they bought in case of necessity or return it and get a refund.
Many stores organize special seasonal sales and experienced buyers are looking forward to visiting them. November and February is high time for reducing prices for winter clothes.
January and August are «white sales days» when towels and sheets are sold out. People learn about discount periods from the newspapers and thus can save a lot of money.
In the USA you can find very expensive department stores, the ones with more moderate and cheap prices. The difference in price is significant in these shops. If your American friend offers you to accompany you and go shopping together, you would better to tell him the sum of money you can afford to spend. He or she can advice you the right place to go.

1. What are the two very important tendencies about shop¬ping in the USA?
2. When can shopping be extremely interesting and bring you real satisfaction?
3. Why do the purchasers have to be careful?
4. How is it possible to save some money if you are going to buy expensive things?
5. What is a shopping mall?
6. Why is it necessary to Jceep the receipt?

to determine — определить
to run risks — подвергаться риску
inferior quality — низкое качество
goods, wares, articles, commodities — товары
shopper, customer, purchaser, client — покупатель
to be in funds — при деньгах
extremely — крайне
satisfaction — удовлетворение
careful — осторожный
to decoy — заманить, завлечь
to attract smb.'s attention — привлечь чье-либо внимание
fashionable — модный
to compare — сравнить
discount — скидка
shopping mall — торговый центр
department store — универмаг
to pay (past paid, p.p. paid) cash — платить наличными
moderate — умеренный
significant — значительный


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