Обучение путём решения поставленной задачи 

Being a proponent of a communicative language teaching, I would strongly recommend trying TBLT (task-based language teaching) at any educational institution. The emphasis is on the task rather than the linguistic features. Though grammar, vocabulary, reading must be taught but we teach our students to interact and communicate in the real-life world not just conduct classroom discussions. So, I consider getting information from timetables, restaurant menus, directions, making presentations on different topics will really prepare our students for the real world communication.
We as teachers have to put aside the list of language and concentrate mostly on pedagogical tasks and activities. I have to explain here that task is goal-oriented; it requires our students to achieve an objective where the objective is the production of some clear outcome. Certainly, there can be some drawbacks as the language needed during the tasks should be known by the students to communicate freely, so we will bear fruit if some upfront work is done before beginning the task. Also, sometimes task-based activities are useless for the very young learners because their world background and linguistic knowledge is too small to ask them to perform uncontrolled practice.
Occasionally, we provide dialogues or role plays for them to learn by heart. Although lots of English language schools integrate learning about the language and learning the language through tasks and activities. We may say that they follow the task-supported syllabi where functional language, topics, vocabulary and grammar are close connected with the relevant tasks.
Simply put, students study the language by performing tasks or activities to hone up grammatical constructions, lexis, or functions skills and only then they practice the language in communicative controlled or uncontrolled tasks. Unlike the task-based syllabi, where tasks and activities are focused on the production of the language as the starting point; and only then, comes the details and analysis of the language.


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