Диалог о пользе занятий в тренажерном зале
Kate, how do you normally spend your evenings?
I've joined the gym here, so I go and exercise and go for a swim.
Swim. How long do you stay each time?
About 2 hours.
Wow. So what do you do during those two hours?
So we go to the gym for about an hour and then have a swim for half an hour and then sauna for about ten minutes and then finish off with a massage.
Really, a massaging chair?
A massaging chair!
Wonderful, and so who do you go with?
I go with Nicola.
And Nicola is?
She's another teacher and she's who I live with, so.
Alright, good, good, good, good. Now when you're in the gym, do you do weights? Do you do cardio? Aerobics? Running? Walking?
We do everything really. Aerobics and weights.
Aerobics and weights are the best.
The gyms here are much better than back home.
Oh, yeah. What's the biggest difference?
They have games on the machines so if you're cycling, you're also playing a game where you have to blow up the other cyclists so it makes it a bit more interesting than just exercising.
Uh-huh! So it passes the time by. Yeah, lot quicker. And then why are you exercising? Do you have a certain reason, a goal in mind?
Yeah, because I put on a lot of weight when I was in Australia because I was eating too much pizza and, good breakfast, and drinking far too much beer.
So you just want to shed those extra pounds.
Yeah, that I put on and get back to the original weight that I was.
Well, good luck to you.
Thank you.

do weights
When you're in the gym, do you do weights?
В данном случае английское выражение "do weights" означает "поднимать тяжести, работать с тяжестями". Примеры с выражением "do weights":
·         I never have the patience to do weights.
У меня никогда не хватает терпения для работы с тяжестями.
·         He does weight five times a week.
Он работает с тяжестями пять раз в неделю.
blow up
We play a game where you have to blow up the other cyclists.
Английский фразовый глагол "blow up" в данном контексте имеет смысл "взрывать" (синоним - explode). Примеры с фразовым глаголом "blow up":
·         They are going to blow up that old building by the river.
Они собираются взорвать то старое здание на берегу реки.
·         The car blew up after the accident.
Автомобиль взорвался после аварии.
goal in mind
Do you have a certain reason or a goal in mind for exercising?
Английское выражение "goal in mind" означает "иметь представление о том, чего хочешь достичь", "цель, к которой стремишься". Примеры с выражением "goal in mind":
·         Before you make a fitness plan you have to have a goal in mind.
Прежде чем составить фитнес-план, вы должны определиться с целью занятий.
·         Did you have a goal in mind when you started this whole thing?
Представляли вы себе конечную цель, когда начали всё это дело?
put on weight
I put on a lot of weight when I was in Australia.
Английское выражение "put on weight" означает "толстеть, располнеть". Примеры с выражением "put on weight":
·         Eat three times as much and you never put on any weight.
Ешь не более трёх раз в день, и ты не наберёшь вес.
·         I think I am putting on a little weight. I had better go on a diet.
Я думаю, что я немного располнел. Мне лучше сесть на диету.
shed pounds
I have to shed those extra pounds I put on when I was in Australia.
Английское выражение "shed pounds" является неформальным способом сказать "похудеть", "избавиться от лишнего веса". Примеры с выражением "shed pounds":
·         It's hard to shed pounds if you keep eating terrible food.
Трудно сбросить лишний вес, если продолжать есть эту ужасную еду.
·         She worked hard to shed some pounds after she had her baby.
Она упорно занималась, чтобы сбросить лишний вес после того, как родила ребёнка.


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