
Сообщения за апрель, 2020
Особенности перевода текстов инструкций (на материале английского языка) Наряду с переводом технических статей и технических паспортов перевод технических инструкций представляет собой частный случай научно- технического перевода, который в последнее время пользуется особенно высоким спросом на рынке переводческих услуг. Во-первых, необходимо указать причины столь повышенного интереса к этому виду переводческой деятельности. Он появился сразу после отмены плановой экономики и наступления в России эры свободной торговли, когда на российский рынок буквально хлынула импортная продукция – техника и электроника. Требования отечественного законодательства к ввозу такой продукции заставляли поставщиков оформлять всю документацию на товар (включая технические паспорта, руководства пользователя и разнообразные инструкции) на русском языке. Не изменились эти требования и сегодня, в то время как количество ввозимой техники заставило пересмотреть спектр услуг по переводу технических инструк...
Английский в профессии автомеханик In the present world of technological progress, the profession of the mechanic has broad specialization and therefore it is very popular and very demanded. By means of specialized diagnostics workers carry out servicing and car repairs. To work as the mechanic it is necessary to possess certain skills: endurance, physical force, good sight and correct coordination of movements.   Data on the first mechanics appeared approximately in the 18th century, in the countries in which there was a transport capable to independent movement. Since then, transport constantly was improved and changed. Repair and leaving therefore there was a need for specially trained masters was necessary to any mechanism. So there was a profession of the mechanic.   If you work as the mechanic, you surely need special clothes which not only will protect from pollution, but also will protect your body and to a code from damages.    Toda...
Paralympic Games  Paralympic Games was an event organized by Sir Ludwig Guttman in 1948. He organized a competition in Stoke Mandeville, in the United Kingdom, for Second World War veterans with spinal injuries. He believed that sport was good for both morale and rehabilitation. This event was very successful, and by 1960 it had evolved to an Olympic-style Games with participants from all over the world.The first official Paralympic Games was in Rome, in 1960. The first Games featured 400 athletes from 23 countries competing in eight sports - archery, athletics, dartchery, snooker, swimming, table tennis, wheelchair fencing and wheelchair basketball.now the Paralympic games are held every 4 years and they are attended by a fairly large number of people for whom disability is not a problem! Paralympics’ games become more and more popular. Thousands of sportsmen and sportswomen who have refused to give up and are ready to face a challenge take part in them. Their positive att...
security Security is a matter of common sense, so you need to take basic precautions. Pickpockets are one of the dangers that awaits you on the street. To protect ourselves, we should not carry large amounts of money and store it in a side pocket. For example, you should not show your wallet when you need to use it. And we should keep our bags closed when we're on the subway. Cities are very dangerous with their accidents, pickpockets and slums. But we are still in danger when we come home, especially if we live alone in the house. There are many types of thieves, and we can be attacked. The kidnapper can take someone from your family by force and demand money. Burglars steal things by getting into the home, if you don't have an alarm, it will go unpunished. If you live in an apartment building, you may never encounter burglars, but sometimes this happens. Traveling abroad with a group of people is safer than going alone. Car theft is a common crime committed even by te...
Complex object (want/would like /expect/know smb to do smth) Введение конструкции Complex Object   I want you to learn  new grammar topic. Я хочу, чтобы вы выучили новую тему. I  would like you to do  the exercises then. Я хотела бы, чтобы вы потом сделали упражнения. I  expect you to do  them well. Я ожидаю, что вы сделаете их хорошо. Во всех предложениях выше использовано cложное дополнение (Complex Object). Примеры ниже помогут вам понять, как образовать эту конструкцию. Прочитайте предложения, обращая внимание на подчеркнутую конструкцию. The mother  wants her son to eat  the soup. – Мама хочет, чтобы ее сын ел суп. She  would like him to do  the washing up. – Она хочет, чтобы он помыл посуду. The grandma  expects her grandchildren to come  on Sunday. – Бабушка ожидает, что ее внуки приедут в воскресенье. We  know her to read  so much. – Мы знаем, что она много читает. Обратите ...
Рассказ о работе (My job) My weekday starts at 6.30 in the morning when my alarm-clock rings. I am not an early bird, so it takes me a couple of minutes before I get out of my bed, especially in winter. I leave home early, at 8.00 to avoid the rush-hour traffic as I start my work at 9 o’clock. I work in an office as a secretary for a big building corporation. It’s a Russian well-established company. I found this job 4 years ago through an employment agency. The office is in the centre of the city. I usually get there by bus. I spend most of the time working at the computer. My usual duties are typing documents, preparing them for our managing director, answering phone calls and arranging business appointments. I am also responsible for giving new correspondence and fresh newspapers to the managing director, sending faxes or e-mails. Sometimes I translate letters from English into Russian. I am in charge of greeting visitors and offering them tea or coffee too. It is also my...
Грамматическая тема «-ing формы» (причастие, герундий, отглагольное существительное) Способы различия: по функции в предложении по дополнительным грамматическим признакам по свойствам: Participle  – обладает свойствами глагола и прилагательного/наречия Gerund  – обладает свойствами глагола и существительного Verbal Noun  – обладает свойствами существительного Функции и граммати-ческие признаки Причастие Participle Герундий Gerund Подлежащее —— Reading  is his hobby. Дополнение —— He likes  r e a d i n g . Часть сказуемого вспом .  гл .”to be”+P I He  i s   reading  now. смысл .  гл .”to be”+G His hobby  is  reading . Определение левое   и   правое a  reading   student the student  reading  a book только правое и всегда с предлогом “ of  /  for ” the rules of  reading the book  for readin...
Leaning Tower of Nevyansk The  Leaning Tower of Nevyansk  ( Russian :  Невья́нская ба́шня ) is a  tower  in the town of  Nevyansk  in  Sverdlovsk Oblast ,  Russia , built in the 18th century. Its construction was funded by  Peter the Great ’s associate  Akinfiy Demidov , a famous Russian  manufacturer  and son of  industrialist   Nikita Demidov . The height of the tower is 57.5 metres (189 ft) [1]  from the ground and the base is 9.5 metres (31 ft) square. The deviation of the top part of the tower from a  right angle  is about 3 degrees. The exact date of construction is unknown, but Russian historians believe that it was built between 1721 and 1745. There is no information about the  architect  of this unusual edifice. The purpose of the tower Historians still debate the exact purpose of the Nevyansk Tower. Some say that Demidov used it as a "bank  safe ", ...
 «Моя будущая профессия инженер» There are many professions in the world, but in my opinion men’s life should be related to technical specialties, my father and mother worked in design bureau in machine factory, cause that I understand what have to continue the family business. At this moment the profession of engineer is once again becoming a prestigious and well-paid. Factories, Railways, workshops, small private firms need of people engineering professions. Wherever there is any equipment needed, engineers are able to maintain it at a high level, and the technique now in all areas of production, without it can not exist even the simplest industrial enterprise. Today the profession of engineer is not very fashionable, but it’s not bad, that is only more appreciated by qualified professionals. A good engineer must constantly improve his skills not only through education but also by attending various events, foreign exhibitions, which improve the quality of knowle...
Robots in manufacturing Today most robots are used in manufacturing operations. The applications of robots can be divided into three categories: 1. material   handling 2. processing operations 3. assembly and inspection. Material-handling is the   transfer of material and loading and unloading of machines. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move materials or work parts from one to another. Many of these tasks are relatively simple: robots   pick up parts from one conveyor and place them on another. Other transfer operations are more complex, such as placing parts in an   arrangement that can be calculated by the robot. Machine loading and unloading operations   utilize a robot to load and unload parts. This requires the robot to be equipped with a   grip-per that can   grasp parts. Usually the gripper must be designed specifically for the particular part geometry. In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates ...