The role of science in our world

 One sharp-witted person once said: “I like the science — but not so much. What I love with all my tremulous heart is the universe…. Our whole world as being turned up by science expects to be far more wonderful, and even far more curious, than we had any possible chance to expect. …What is true is that the very science is being appreciated due to the perception of the altering universe which it suggests”.

As I view it, the original author of the following abstract wanted to impact the readers by the idea that despite all positive and profound effect of the science on the human development, it is the very universe, which should be valued above all. I couldn’t agree more with the stated position for my fresh part.

I also simply can’t but totally agree with the statement that “science is valuable because of the realistic reception and treatment of the very universe what it gives”. It is really hard even slightly to overestimate the great role of science with reference to the comprehension and perception of the surrounding world. For sure, science is not just the content full of some separate scientific data, its development greatly depends on the progress of our human civilization and is influenced by human’s needs, desires, wishes, likes and dislikes. Generally speaking science is a specific product or output of long civilizations of humanity, the accumulation of the long and hard period of human development. Our world consists of various types of nations and nationalities, differing in their level of culture, speaking different languages, but one should still be aware of one thing that is capable to unite us all – science. Science belongs to the basic domain of the whole great world, independently on all the differences, before it vanishes even the barriers of nationality. Indeed it is absolutely necessary to do justice to those numerous intellectual triumphs (first voyage round the moon, the opening-out of the very neutron, discoveries in particle physics, the revelation of difficult and complicated mechanism of heredity and etc.) which have made a real breakthrough, concerning our treatment of the universe. But I feel complete confidence that, despite all vivid proofs, there is no any essential need and necessity to overestimate the role of the science in our altering world, by practically identifying it with the very universe, for things are far from being as simple. By treating the shifting world as revealed by science, which, as the originator puts it, becomes “far more beautiful, and far more interesting, than we had any possible chance to expect” we put on rose-coloured spectacles. It makes us entirely pin our hopes on the science and ignore the primeval (primordial) essence of the conflicting universe, beautiful and simultaneously spontaneous and perilous. Moreover our explicit belief in science, the so-called “progressivism” can do more harm than good. Showing disrespect for the environment can do us a disservice and the universe can turn its back upon us.

As a result nowadays people are suspecting that they are really obliged to pay a price for the great intellectual achievements or triumphs. Indeed what seemed rather harmless at first sight, turned about to be rather dramatic, and caused a lot of hardships to humanity (take for example the revelation of neutron, which resulted in the creation of atomic weapon all in all). All possible information is at hand for us, we have every right to be aware of what happens in the surrounding world, but it still doesn’t eliminate our suspicion. We can’t take things for granted and enjoy the knowledge unselfconsciously.

All existing facts seem to deny the chance of the worldwide triumph of reason over the unrestrained scientific work in a burst of enthusiasm to make an alteration of the changing universe. But I’m still an optimist (frankly one can go mad if he is not) and do believe in the very possibility, let it seem air-built, of the favorable outcome, the only possible way to which is to learn and to practice how to love the contradictory universe as such. Nature begins from causes, and thence descends to effects.


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