1. Образуйте сложное предложение, соединив два простых предложения подходящим союзом “and – but – or – so – because” (возможны несколько вариантов).

  1. The taxi stopped. The passenger got out.
  2. The taxi stopped. The passenger stayed in the car.
  3. My brother is married. He lives in Italy.
  4. My brother is married. My sister is single.
  5. It rained yesterday. We stayed at home.
  6. I bought a magazine. I haven’t read it yet.
  7. They’ve got a nice house. They haven’t got a garden.
  8. Mary often goes to the theatre. She loves operas.
  9. Are you going to make a cake? Have you already made it?
  10. Our neighbors were very poor. They never asked for help.
  11. We opened the window. It was too hot inside.
  12. The sea was cold. We didn’t go swimming.
  13. I was so tired. I went to bed.
  14. Tim doesn’t like Moscow. It is very noisy and big.
  15. It was a difficult exam. I passed it.
  16. They wanted to eat sushi. There wasn’t any Japanese restaurant nearby.
  17. Gordon worked hard. She could make a lot of money.
  18. Joanna is fond of tennis. She plays really well.
  19. To get to town you can take any bus. You can just walk.
  20. I needed some help with French. I took private lessons.

2. Поставьте but или so.

  1. We were late, … we missed the train.
  2. I live in Oxford, … I work in London.
  3. The film was too long, … it was quite interesting.
  4. He lost his laptop, … he went to the police station.
  5. The hotel is very expensive, … only rich people stay there.


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