1. Выберите в скобках верный вариант союза времени. Переведите предложения.

  1. Please, call me ... (while/as soon as/till) you arrive at the station.
  2. ... (Until/After/Before) going to sleep, she likes reading a book for an hour or so.
  3. Don’t sit down ... (until/after/while) we ask you.
  4. The house became empty ... (after/before/until) they left.
  5. I won’t start my journey ... (when/while/until) he pays all my expenses.
  6. ... (As soon as/While/Before) he was making a fire, it started raining.
  7. ... (While/Till/As soon as) we get married, we’ll move to another place.
  8. Turn off the light ... (before/when/while) the lesson is over.
  9. You should read this paper ... (before/until/while) you express your opinion.
  10. We won’t start our dinner ... (after/until/as soon as) Richard arrives.

2. Соедините два простых предложения в одно сложное, используя предложенный союз в скобках.

Например:  Don’t call your uncle. First I’ll tell you. (till) – Don’t call your uncle till I tell you. (Не звони своему дяде, пока я не скажу тебе.)

  1. Tom will come in a minute. Then I will go to the chemist’s. (as soon as)
  2. I will come home soon. I want to have a foam bath. (when)
  3. We are moving to Miami. Then we’ll invite you to our house. (after)
  4. You will need my car. But first let me know. (before)
  5. Alice will be picking up the berries. Sam will be cutting the grass. (while)
  6. She will have finished her homework in half an hour. Then she will go for a walk. (after)
  7. Dad will have repaired the van by Saturday. Then we’ll travel to the lakes. (as soon as)
  8. You must clean your teeth. Then you may go to bed. (until)
  9. I will get my salary next week. Then I will buy a new smart phone. (when)
  10. First wait for the green light on. Then you can cross the street. (before)


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