Sport in Russia

Sport is a great thing. Different kind of sport are very popular all around the world. America is crazy about baseball and basketball, Italy and Great Britain love football so very much. Our country loves all kind of sport. If you check internet you will see that every year more and more people start to do sport.

So what kind of sport is popular in our country?

So first of all football is one of the most favorite and popular kind of sport. We have games in our country and also our sportsmen go all over the world. Of course our people know the names of Ovchinikov, Onopko, Ignashevich, Aniukov and so on.

Another popular sport is hockey. Russian people are crazy about this sport. We are lucky, because we have good climate for this kind of sport and also we have good arenas. Sometime I ask my friends what kind of sport they like the most. Some of them can choose, but for somebody it’s a very difficult choice. People are keen on football and ice-hockey the same.

Volleyball is also very popular. Hundreds and thousands of people like to watch and play volleyball. Honestly, my favorite kind of sport is volleyball. I play volley at school and sometime with my friends.

Basketball is also popular in Russia. Of course our sportsmen are not so famous and professional like in America. But I think it’s important that we try our best. I always support our guys. We participated 13 times in European championship and we have won 3 medals. I think it’s a good result but the best is still to come.

Box, biathlon, figure skating, wrestling and skiing are also very popular in Russia. Our guys did great success and show brilliant skills on different championships. Our country got many medals almost every year, but I do believe we can do better. Who knows maybe one of us is a future brilliant sportsman.


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