
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2020
  1. Поставьте глагол из скобок с частицей   to   или без нее. I’ve decided ... (start) a new project. (Я принял решение начать новый проект.) She is trying ... (learn) Italian. (Она пытается изучить итальянский язык.) Can you ... (lend) me your dictionary, please? (Ты можешь одолжить мне свой словарь?) Mother forgot ... (book) the tickets. (Мама забыла забронировать билеты.) You shouldn’t ... (argue) with your father. (Тебе не следует спорить со своим отцом.) Henry promised ... (help) her.(Генри обещал помочь ей.) This old photograph made me ... (cry). (Эта старая фотография заставила мне заплакать.) I really hope ... (get) an interesting job soon. (Я очень надеюсь на то, что получу вскоре интересную работу.) You must ... (pay) for the service. (Ты обязан заплатить за обслуживание.) Let me ... (introduce) myself. (Разрешите мне представиться.) 2. Составьте из данных слов предложения, расставив их по порядку. Переведите. pianist - my – to – wants – a – great – son – become let – car –
  Television  (1920s) The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realised for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light. Motor Car  (Late 19th Century) With television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petroldriven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model Т car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people great freedom of travel. Electricity The name came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I's physician William Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed.
  1. Образуйте сложное предложение, соединив два простых предложения подходящим союзом “ and – but – or – so – because ” (возможны несколько вариантов). The taxi stopped. The passenger got out. The taxi stopped. The passenger stayed in the car. My brother is married. He lives in Italy. My brother is married. My sister is single. It rained yesterday. We stayed at home. I bought a magazine. I haven’t read it yet. They’ve got a nice house. They haven’t got a garden. Mary often goes to the theatre. She loves operas. Are you going to make a cake? Have you already made it? Our neighbors were very poor. They never asked for help. We opened the window. It was too hot inside. The sea was cold. We didn’t go swimming. I was so tired. I went to bed. Tim doesn’t like Moscow. It is very noisy and big. It was a difficult exam. I passed it. They wanted to eat sushi. There wasn’t any Japanese restaurant nearby. Gordon worked hard. She could make a lot of money. Joanna is fond of tennis. She plays reall
  Степени сравнения прилагательных 1. Выберите в скобках правильную степень прилагательного и переведите предложения на русский язык Nick is (happier, the happiest) boy that I know. Of the six cars, I like the silver one (better, best).  Jane’s notebook is (cheaper, the cheapest) than mine.  This is (more delicious, the most delicious) cheese-cake I have ever had! This bookcase is (more beautiful, the most beautiful) than that one.  Do you feel (better, the best) today than yesterday?  I think my cat is (prettier, the prettiest) of all the cats in the world.  Steve Jobs is (more famous, famouser) than Stephen Wozniak. This week the weather is (hotter, more hot) than last week.  Our new house is (more expensive, expensiver) than the old one.  Girls are usually (cleaner, more clean) than boys.  Chemistry was (harder, the hardest) subject at school. 
  The role of science in our world  One sharp-witted person once said: “I like the science — but not so much. What I love with all my tremulous heart is the universe…. Our whole world as being turned up by science expects to be far more wonderful, and even far more curious, than we had any possible chance to expect. …What is true is that the very science is being appreciated due to the perception of the altering universe which it suggests”. As I view it, the original author of the following abstract wanted to impact the readers by the idea that despite all positive and profound effect of the science on the human development, it is the very universe, which should be valued above all. I couldn’t agree more with the stated position for my fresh part. I also simply can’t but totally agree with the statement that “science is valuable because of the realistic reception and treatment of the very universe what it gives”. It is really hard even slightly to overestimate the great role of science
  1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple. We … (go) roller-skating last Saturday. Our granny … (bake) meat-pies every weekend. We … (write) an essay tomorrow. I really … (enjoy) the opera yesterday. Where your husband … (work) five years ago? British people … (prefer) tea to coffee. Tom, you … (meet) me at the railway station next Sunday? Where she usually … (celebrate) her birthdays? … you (have) a big family? Newton … (invent) the telescope in 1668. When … this accident (happen)? I always … (send) Christmas cards to my grandparents. Nina and Nick … (get married) in two weeks. How many books they … (bring) tomorrow? Stanley … (have) two sons and a daughter. 2. Поставьте глагол  to be  в одну из форм Simple. … your girlfriend Italian? I … afraid of spiders. There … a lot of tourists in our café yesterday. Peter … in Africa next winter. We … never late for our Drawing classes. I … 70 years old in 2050. She … my neighbor last year. It … usua
  1. Заполните пропуски подходящими личными местоимениями. Н-р:  John drinks apple juice because … likes … . (Джон пьет яблочный сок, потому что … любит … .) – John drinks apple juice because   he  likes  it.  (Джон пьет яблочный сок, потому что  он  любит  его .) My uncle has a new car, but … doesn’t drive … . Anna has three sons .   … often goes skiing with … in winter. That’s my notebook. I want to have … back, please? Sara’s teacher is Mr.Bond .   … likes … very much. Kate lives near her parents .   … visits … at weekends. Tom buys a newspaper every morning and … reads … in the bus. This is a photo of … and my friends. Mary and I finish our work at 5 p.m.  Then … have dinner in a pub. Where is Jane? Have you seen …? Peter and I are going to the night club. Let’s go with … .   2. Поставьте указательное местоимение  this   или  these . Переведите предложения. Jack, … is my wife. And … are my children. How much are … roses? I don’t like … magazine. Sam, take … suitcases into the car.
  1. Добавьте один из суффиксов (- er, -r, -ian, -ist, -man ) к словам, чтобы образовалось название профессии. Переведите образовавшиеся слова. Н-р:    police (полиция) – policeman (полицейский) music (музыка)                                 8. science (наука) journal (журнал)                                9. art (искусство) post (почта)                                      10. sports (спорт)       drive (водить машину)                      11. manage (управляться) reception (встреча)                           12. photograph (фотография) electric (электрический)                    13. interpret (переводить) politics (политика)                             14. build (строить)                                                                 15. fire (огонь)   2. Посмотрите на суффиксы существительных и прилагательных. Образуйте недостающие слова в столбцах и переведите образовавшиеся слова. Существительные:   - ness, -ion, -ation, -ment, -ance, -ition Прилагательные:   - al, -y, -ly, -ful
  1. Выберите в скобках верный вариант союза времени. Переведите предложения. Please, call me ... (while/as soon as/till) you arrive at the station. ... (Until/After/Before) going to sleep, she likes reading a book for an hour or so. Don’t sit down ... (until/after/while) we ask you. The house became empty ... (after/before/until) they left. I won’t start my journey ... (when/while/until) he pays all my expenses. ... (As soon as/While/Before) he was making a fire, it started raining. ... (While/Till/As soon as) we get married, we’ll move to another place. Turn off the light ... (before/when/while) the lesson is over. You should read this paper ... (before/until/while) you express your opinion. We won’t start our dinner ... (after/until/as soon as) Richard arrives. 2. Соедините два простых предложения в одно сложное, используя предложенный союз в скобках. Например:  Don’t call your uncle. First I’ll tell you. (till) – Don’t call your uncle  till  I tell you. (Не звони своему дяде, пока