I am very busy on my weekdays. My working day begins early in the morning. My studies starts at 8 о’clock, so I have to get up at 7 to be ready for it. I never wake up myself, my mother always wakes me up. Sometimes I do my morning exercises, then I rush to the bathroom. I clean my teeth, wash my face. The cold water makes me feel not so sleepy. Then I go back to my room, make the bed. I switch on my radio, put on my clothes, comb my hair, put a little makeup. By that time my breakfast is ready (my mother cooks it for me).

At a quarter to eight I grab my bag and rush to my school/University. Usually I have six or seven lessons a day, it lasts till 3 o’clock. After each lesson there is a break, so I can talk to my friends or eat my sandwich. After classes I go home. First of all, I need to walk my dog. Then I have my dinner and a little rest.

The teachers give us a lot of homework, so I start doing it about 16.30 or 17.00. As a rule, it takes me two or three hours to do my home assignments.
My parents get home at about six o’clock. We watch soap operas on TV, have supper together. We discuss the news, I tell about the lessons and school.
After it, I help my mother to do some work about the house — wash dishes, sweep the floor, clean the room.

Twice a week in evenings I play tennis. When I do not go to play tennis, I stay home and watch TV, listen to the music, read magazines. Sometimes my friends call me and we go for a walk. At eleven o’clock, tired after a long working day I go to bed and fall asleep.


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