At the office

— Lucy, come in, please.

— I’m here, Mr. Colin.

— Is a plan of our partner meeting ready?

— Yes, it is. I have already typed it on the computer.

— Make five copies, please.

— I’m afraid the printer doesn’t work. Unfortunately, a repairer has a day out today.

— Then make copies on another printer, please.

— Ok. Mr. Colin, all the business letters are ready. How should I send them?

— Three letters for companies will be sent by e-mail. After inform our partners by phone about that.

— What about letters for Mr. Robert and Mr. Albert?

— We should be exactly sure that they will get the papers. There are always some problems with the post office. It’s better to give these documents directly to Mr. Robert and Mr. Albert. A courier will make it in person.

— Ok.

— That’s all, Lucy.

— Mr. Colin, right now Mr. Raymond is waiting.

— So, anything else?

— Yes, you wife has called and left a message about your aunt’s birthday party. It will be on Saturday and Mrs. Colin asked you to prepare a present in advance.

— Oh, right. Lucy, could you do it? My aunt likes cooking and gardening. Choose something that you would like. And order flowers for her, please.

— Ok, Mr. Colin.


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