2. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Past Continuous. Переведите предложения.

  1. I … (live) in Mexico in June, 2010.
  2. When I entered the bathroom he … (shave).
  3. When she met him, they … (work) for the same company.
  4. What you … (do) last night?
  5. I showed him my new dress, but he … (not look) at it.
  6. When it started to rain, they … (sit) on the grass.
  7. Which hotel Anna … (stay) when she lost her credit card?
  8. We … (sleep) when the phone rang.
  9. Doctor Fleming discovered penicillin while he … (study) influenza.
  10. Sam … (stand) under the tree because it … (rain).
  11. When the teacher came into the classroom, the children … (run) and … (scream).
  12. While Bob … (chop) the meat, his wife … (peel) potatoes.
  13. When I arrived at the party, all the guests … (dance).
  14. The waiter cut his finger while he … (pick up) the broken glasses.
  15. What you … (wear) when he met you?


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