загрязнение окружающей среды
The ecology of our planet has long been under threat. Unfortunately, it is the human factor that primarily has a negative impact on the environment. But this environment is the habitat for both people and other living organisms. Man was created by nature in order to protect the planet for future generations. At present, mankind is committed not to think about the negative effects of its activities on the environment. In turn, environmentalists are sounding the alarm and predicting a large-scale environmental catastrophe that threatens to exterminate all life on the planet. It is worth emphasizing that a person pollutes the environment, first of all makes himself worse. Toxins and harmful chemicals that are the result of human activity have long poisoned most of the drinking water and food.
Practically all types of transport bring enormous harm to the environment, as their exhaust gases from burned fuel pollute the air. Most of the enterprises and factories are not equipped with treatment facilities, and all industrial waste goes to the atmosphere or rivers. To improve the quality of the crop, special fertilizers are produced, which pose a serious danger to all living things. Lawless testing of nuclear and chemical weapons completely destroy the ecosystem.
Such negligent behavior of people leads to environmental disasters, such as acid precipitation, intensive melting of glaciers. There are new diseases and viruses that mutate and are not amenable to treatment. Mortality is increasing across the planet. Nature cannot self-purify, so people must understand the seriousness of the problem and avoid catastrophic situations.


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